Taking off the mask

By Renée Aharon | 4th February 2022

We've been trained from birth to wear a mask—

"Don't touch that. Don't say that, don't go there, don't do that. Don't don't don't. No no no."

It's in our environmental DNA to wear the mask.


Simply because it keeps us safe. Without the mask—we might be rejected from the tribe. And if we're rejected by the tribe, we die. Literally die—at least from an evolutionary sense. And this ancient fear is baked into our DNA.

If we don't have the tribe's support and approval, it would be the end of the line for us. Lights out. Ka-put. Naturally—we don't want that! There's nothing more the ego fears than death itself. 

Most of us are born into a world where our true selves are barely tolerated. We're told through school and work and parents and society that we are not good enough. That we must mould our vast, complex, versatile minds to suit the OUTSIDE world. We need to do one damn thing and stick to it. Creative or artistic expression is a risk too high take. In many parts of the world, we're not trained to listen to the quiet voice that makes up our inside world.

Yet it is our inside world that truly shapes the outside world. And the outside world—ironically—shifts drastically when we shift our internal world. Everything changes when we become brave enough to take off the mask.

But taking off the mask isn't easy. Taking off the mask is terrifying. And it takes time. Starting with tiny little peeps out from behind the safety our mask. But if we're to fulfil our soul purpose—the reason we're put on this earth—we need to take off the mask.

Some people can live and function well with the mask. Maybe some people can even thrive wearing the mask. But you're probably not one of those people. After a certain point, the mask becomes suffocating. Soul killing. It hurts your heart to keep wearing it. I know because I desperately clung to my mask for a large chunk of my life. And it was only when I began peeping out from behind and slowly started to lower it that my world began to change.

I've found people like me and you cannot bear the weight of the mask.

No matter how hard we try. Then life throws everything at us to get to take off the mask. And that can lead to some pretty unhappy, uncomfortable experiences. But I want you to know that once the mask comes off—your world transforms. I also know you were drawn here because you desperately want to take off the mask but you don't know how. You've worn it your whole life—how are you supposed to give it up just like that? But I believe you stumbled across this writing for a reason—and reading this very next line is exactly what you need to hear right now.

Take off the mask. 

Stop wearing it and you will be set free. You will be judged. You might even be hated... But the magic is—you won't even care!

You won't even care when people hate you—in fact you'll actually laugh about it! And when they throw you hate—you'll simply retaliate with love and move on with your wondrous life. You'll be able to respond gracefully no matter what life throws at you. You won't care when your business ebbs and flows. You'll go with the natural cycle of your own body. And as you step out from behind the mask, you'll feel more powerful than you ever thought possible. More aligned than you ever expected.

When you step out from behind the mask—you'll find admiration and adoration staring at you from every side. You'll feel so full your heart could burst. You'll know it's right in your heart. You'll get to the point where it's too painful to keep the mask on. It's burning your face and poisoning your mind. Your body and your spirit begin to rebel. You developed and designed your mask to protect you from the harshness of the world. But one day, you will have outgrown it and it only causes you more pain.

If you want to know more about how to take off the mask and be seen as you really are—send me an email with the word 'mask'. I want to hear your story without the mask. 

Lots of love,

Renée Aharon

[email protected]

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